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OKO Reporter on War Crimes

The latest issue of the OKO Reporter
Knowledge and Experience Exchange

Lawyers and legal theorists usually have difficulty obtaining data on ongoing trials and legal decisions. The OKO Reporter on War Crimes contains information on war crimes cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

Regional Reporting

The OKO Reporter is published in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language. The Reporter contains reports on court decisions in BiH, Serbia, Montenegro, and Croatia. It is designed to serve as a regular source of the latest case law, interpreting laws regulating the area of war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. Besides case status reports, the Reporter includes the latest information on the work of the CDD and events before the Court of BiH, as well as short articles. Each issue will also contain one or two longer articles that will thoroughly examine a legal issue significant for war crimes trials.


The OKO Reporter is sent to all lawyers in BiH who are on the list of lawyers authorized to act before the Court of BiH, as well as to others who wish to be included on the recipient list. It is also sent to legal professionals and theorists in the region who deal with war crimes issues

Article Submission

The OKO Reporter on War Crimes is open to receiving articles on current issues and international developments in the field of war crimes. Please contact the editor via email at:

Citing Quotes

The OKO Reporter on War Crimes can be cited by year, issue number, and page. The content of the first issue’s page in English is cited as follows: (2005) 1 OKO WCR 2, while the corresponding page in the local language is cited as (2005) 1 OKO RRZ 2.