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Useful Links

  • SIM. Contains a variety of databases. Most importantly it includes a searchable database on the ICTR Jurisprudence.
  • Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (Yale Law School) – A collection of the relevant official documents, including the Tribunal Judgments
  • Human Rights Watch, Topical Digests of the Case Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
  • The Coalition for International Justice tracks the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), provides audio and video files of the ICTY, publishes the indictments issued through both tribunals as well as dossiers on those indicted, and offers links to related sites.
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). Media organization specifically following the ICTY
  • Database on the United Nations Human Rights Treaty System from York University. All material is organised by state and by subject matter. Includes detailed guidance on using the complaint option of the treaty system
  • Human Rights Library at the University of Minnesota This comprehensive site includes many of the international human rights treaties and related documents, as well as material from the UN Human Rights groups. It also contains a comprehensive list of links to related sites including organisations throughout the world. In Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Russian and Spanish
  • Fletcher Multilaterals Project Texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. Categorised by subject and arranged chronologically. Searchable
  • Human Rights Network International A comprehensive site with instruments, cases, articles and website links
  • Legislationline is a “library without walls,” provided by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). It compiles international texts and domestic legislation in the OSCE region, organised by topic, country and international standards
  • Project DIANA Housed at the Yale University library, this massive compilation of information on Human Rights issues around the globe is an excellent research resource for those in the field.  It contains a searchable list of documents organized by topic, a Hot Topics section, and a comprehensive list of links to other DIANA sites as well as to other Human Rights sites.  Highly recommended 
  • page offers links to a greater variety of UN treaty related topics including a link to the login page. Government departments of Member States will have free access through usernames and passwords allocated to them (Member States will exercise their discretion in the distribution of these usernames/passwords). Free access will be available to all UN staff at duty stations.
  • International Committee for Human Rights website with links to many human rights documents, mainly international, European and American.
  • For the Record Produced in partnership with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), this report summarizes the work of the United Nations and the Council of Europe on human right issues and developments for the last year.
  • International Humanitarian Law Database  Maintained by the Red Cross, this site contains the full-text of 89 treaties from 1865 to date, the Geneva Conventions and their additional Protocols, an actualised listing of signatures, ratifications and full text reservations of International Humanitarian Law treaties
  • International Humanitarian Law Research Initiative This portal, developed by the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research, provides free access to a searchable database of links to current research (the ‘E-Library’ section of the web site), reference materials, and regional and international news on International Humanitarian Law. Registration is free.
  • TMC Asser Institute. Searchable bibliography on international humanitarian law.
  • Clear and concise summaries on IHL issues. News. Well furnished essays collection on IHL and international criminal law issues